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The Michigan legislature will soon reconvene at the beginning of September. When they do, we fully expect the House Committee on Agriculture to pick up where they left off with the Right to Repair bill, HB 4673. The bill did not receive a vote before the summer recess and will be taken back up in that committee.

In anticipation that the bill will proceed to the House floor for a vote at some point, NAEDA has teamed up with the manufacturers to host a dealer demonstration. The invitees will include all legislators and staff. It will be held at Hutson, Inc’s Portland location on September 12th.

The purpose of the event is to demonstrate the repair capabilities that owners and independent repair shops have and provide a hands-on, technical experience for legislator.

There will be representatives from several manufacturers at the demonstration and other dealers are encouraged to attend and participate. The formal invitation to the event with all the details can be found HERE.


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